I get bad panic attacks when I have a blocked nose at night, how can I stop?

2017-09-04 11:17 am
This probably sounds really weird and stupid, but although I suffer with panic attacks and generalised anxiety symptoms occasionally, they are usually rare with me.
More recently, my biggest trigger has been when I feel a cold coming on and I wake up in the middle of the night with a badly blocked nose.
Suddenly I feel as though I can t breathe properly and I m suffocating. I have to physically get up and pace the room and it can mean sleepless nights until the cold has gone or I m feeling well enough to breathe easy.
I m not sure what s in my head and what s actually real when I feel like this. What can I do to stop myself from fresking out like this? Apart from alleviating the blocked nose, how can I make myself feel as though I m not suffocating, mentally?
Strange symptom, I know. Thank you for any replies.

回答 (3)

2017-09-04 11:26 am
Neo Synephrine is the only nasal spray that has given me instant relief and completely opens your sinuses for full breathing. You can't use it everyday tho. Afrin and Nasal strips suck because they don't really work.

I suggest going to the doctor. They have sinoplasty procedures that I heard work pretty well.
2017-09-04 11:25 am
I feel the same way sometimes although it's when I think I may have a nosebleed. If your nose does block up you can sit up and it should unblock. Maybe spend more time breathing through your mouth
2017-09-04 11:24 am
Try some breathe right nasal strips. They will keep your nose open so you can breathe and they are not habit forming.

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