Painful back scratch always shows up in dreams?

2017-09-04 6:27 am
So a few weeks ago i had a dream where i was sharing a room with this girl, didnt recognize her, and for some reason she hated me and as soon as i shut the lights she attacked me and started scratching my back and it hurt SO BAD i can remember what it felt like in real life. And then last night, i had a dream where i was on a boat and my brother gave me a key for some reason. He walked away. And then for some reason he wanted it back, and attacked me for it and we fell in the water and he started scratching my back underwater and it felt exactly the same as when the other girl did it. It hurt so much that it actually woke me up both times.
This is kinda scary because ive heard back scratching is some sort of demonic thing and the fact that i ACTUALLY felt it is kinda worrying me. Is there any dream meaning to that or any theories?

回答 (1)

2017-09-04 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is not demonic! Have you heard the phrase, "I'll scratch your back if you scratch mine?" It means if you do me a favor, I'll do a favor for you. Or another meaning could be, if you let me get away with something, I'll do the same for you...(kind of turn a blind eye to what the other person is doing.) Do either of these meanings "strike a bell" with you? Does something spring to your mind right away? Think about it, and let it go into your subconscious mind this night, and see if your mind will come up with an answer by tomorrow morning.
參考: Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary: "To accommodate with a favor especially in expectation of like return."

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