Mystery on Fat Mountain: Heather Heyer’s Autopsy Nowhere to be Seen – Did She Have a Heart Attack?

2017-09-03 1:33 pm
The key truth that the media won’t acknowledge however is that neither of these fatties could have been killed by blunt force trauma. The secondary hit just wouldn’t have been powerful enough, especially at the angles they got it.

However, both lard puddles are so huge that heart failure was imminent either way.

And I think that is what happened.

However, we have no autopsy.

It’s not even clear if they decided to do an autopsy. Maybe it was so obvious she had died of a heart attack that the family was like “yeah, that isn’t going to help our GoFundMe to have that confirmed – just bury her and don’t ask us about it again, we’ve got television interviews to go do.”

The James Fields/Heather Heyer narrative is going to fall apart like all of these narratives fall apart, but in the aftermath, it will still be okay to just ban people from the internet for making mean jokes about fat people. That is the plan here.

We need to continue to ask: Where is the autopsy???

回答 (4)

2017-09-03 1:46 pm
You are shameful. You are a stunning embarrassment to morality and to intellect. You fail as a human being, yet do not reach the moral level of a cock roach. When you enter Hell, don't wonder why you are there.
2017-09-03 1:46 pm
Even if we pretend that your conspiracy nonsense is true, the driver is still responsible for her death.

If you intentionally drive your car into someone and she dies of a heart attack, you murdered her. That's how it works, ask a lawyer.
2017-09-03 2:32 pm
What kind of trauma did you suffer at the hands of your parents that turned you into such a sociopathic hate-mongering fanatic?
2017-09-03 1:49 pm
And you thought you were "born", when you were actually shat out!

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