We need to get rid of welfare and unemployment. The only benefits should be disability and social security after 65.?

2017-09-03 10:46 am
There is no where in the constitution that says the government owes anyone anything other than protection. The idea that your going to take the money from the working people and give it to others that didn t work for it is just wrong.

回答 (7)

2017-09-03 12:16 pm
All people on welfare should have to be tested for drugs and have to earn their benefits. Have them build the wall.
2017-09-03 11:54 am
Social Security is NOT a benefit. It's an "entitlement program", one where people pay into today for the promise of a payback when they retire.
2017-09-03 11:30 am
Disability should also be allowed since most SSDI are payments made by people who Did Work, but then developed medical problems that forced 'early retirement'.
2017-09-03 11:23 am
Thanks for showing us your inhumane values.
2017-09-03 10:55 am
whats also wrong is when people like me want to work and noone will hire me so im forced to get help from welfare, if people would just hire me i wouldnt need welfare's help
2017-09-03 10:47 am
I agree with you 100%.
2017-09-03 10:47 am
Why don't you focus on getting rid of corporate welfare FIRST?

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