I cleaned the inside of my windshield with windex and soft towel, still very streaked, any tips would be greatly appreciated?

2017-09-01 3:08 am

回答 (8)

2017-09-01 3:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Use the Windex with a piece of newspaper. I don't know if it's the ink or just the paper but it works great.
參考: Mitsubishi Master Tech
2017-09-01 7:51 am
Windex just doesn't clean streakless anymore. It's different these days. Try wiping off the streaks with dry newspaper. Get window cleaner that is specially made for cars.
2017-09-01 4:59 am
As others have said, use newspaper. You ball up a section about the size of a tennis ball and work a section at a time. It will fall apart, but just get a another section. Do not let you hand or arm touch the windshield.
2017-09-01 6:38 am
White vinegar and water mixture and a soft cloth
2017-09-01 4:55 am
Try wiping it with vinegar & water.
2017-09-01 3:14 am
dont use a towel. use something that doesnt shed and never leave the window wet with windex.
2017-09-01 3:11 am
Use a vinegar & water solution and dry with bunched up newspaper. Don't rub too hard until the newspaper is soft or you may scratch the screen
2017-09-01 3:10 am

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