Please answer the two questions below, please.?

2017-08-31 8:42 pm
Geography influenced the economy in the Mid-Atlantic/Middle colonies seen in

Question 2 options:

Focused only on agriculture

The short growing season to grow many types of grains.

Bad soils and rocky hills made colonists buy most of their grains.

Good agriculture, as well as harbors and river systems, allowed colonists to sell crops and other goods; balanced economy

The English acquired the already established mid-Atlantic colonies (which would then become very culturally and religiously diverse) from

Question 4 options:

The Spanish

The Italians

The French

The Dutch

回答 (1)

2017-09-01 12:21 am
Good agriculture
the Dutch

The Spanish were in Florida, the French were in Canada and the northern part of the Mid-west. The Dutch were in New York, which was then called New Amsterdam, extending down the east coast.

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