Getting woken up by terrifying noises?

2017-08-31 3:08 pm
Sometimes, I'll wake up to the sound of family members crying in pain or blood curdling screams from next to my bed. Then, it feels like I'm being poked by invisible fingers. I can even see the skin on my body move where I'm being poked. That part has happened for years to some extent. The only conclusion I have for that is paranormal.

The first time it happened was simple. I heard my dad call my name, but he wasn't even home.

The second time, I heard my dad screaming for help. This may have been due to his chronic insomnia and head pain and I was in a hotel room with him.

Later, I had a calm dream. I forgot what it was about. Suddenly, a low-pitched voice said "come on!" I didn't hear it in either one of my ears and it sounded like it was in my head.

Sadly, it o ly got worse. My last awakening was related to my dream and I even heard where it was coming from, as if it was real and within the dynamics of the physical world.
Last night was my dead stepsister's birthday (making it a creepy and sad night already) and I had a dream where I was swimming in a lake of some kind. There were pairs of socks in the lake and when I touched a pair of young girl's socks, I woke up to the most horrific scream I've ever heard. Then it felt like I was being stabbed by a million knives. I couldn't go back to sleep for about an hour.

Should I call a priest or a psych ward? This sort of thing has happened before. It started after my 18th birthday. I'm losing my mind here.

回答 (4)

2017-08-31 5:54 pm
It sounds like you are having hypnopompic or hypnogogic hallucination. This is a sleep phenomena. Part of your brain is awake and part of your brain is asleep, the part that produces sound and visual during dreaming. You have probably found that you can't move when this is happening, your brain does that so you don't physically act out your dreams. It's best to involve a sleep disorders specialist for this, or a psychiatrist. BTW you can suppress this phenomena with an over the counter medicine called diphenhydramine. The most common brand name is Benadryl. Take 50 mg at bedtime. Do talk to a doctor. Also google hypnopompic and hypnogogic, it helps to know about what you're dealing with.
2017-08-31 4:52 pm
Do both.
2017-08-31 4:16 pm
yes..of course
2017-08-31 3:09 pm
I should go for the psych ward if I was you, honestly. Or a really good shrink.

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