What should I bring while evacuating from a fire?

2017-08-31 9:30 am
I may have to evacuate from a fire, I don't have to yet, it all depends on where the wind blows and stuff. But while I'm waiting for the news I'm packing a quick bag of things I could grab incase I needed to get out (sidenote; I'm 15 I don't own any important papers or food.)

回答 (8)

2017-09-01 3:54 am
Your ID, clothing, keys, anything you can't live without. Your pets. Your family members.
2017-09-01 12:20 am
you need things that are important to you, obviously at 15 your parents are probably handling all important papers, but you might consider any you have that could be important to future living
and of course, food is a big thing if you might be out of the house for some time, again your parents may be considering this
you need to take things that are important to you and things you will need in the next few days, some clothes, tooth brush etc, maybe your pet, things that are important to you
2017-08-31 11:41 am
What do you use for identification? BRING THAT WITH YOU. Do you have your BIRTH CERTIFICATE? This is a valuable document. Don't ever lose your BIRTH CERTIFICATE. Do you have it? Then get it. Talk to your parents. Ask them where it is located. Make copies. The ORIGINAL birth certificate can NEVER be lost. Later you will need it to get a passport. In fact, you should get a passport right now. Take your birth certificate and go to the POST OFFICE that has a PASSPORT OFFICE. Get that passport and use that as identification also. I don't know what you are using now but your passport is highly important. You MUST have a passport. Never lose it and never lose your birth certificate. I have purchased a money belt and when I travel anywhere I always have my passport in my money belt tucked inside my clothes. The thieves and pick pockets cannot get at it. Later, you can also get yourself a DRIVING LICENSE. THese will be the THREE most important documents in your life. Birth Certificat. Passport. Driving License. Then INSURANCE. Car insurance and life insurance and health insurance. Don't ever get a traffic ticket. Don't ever get a DUI. Driving Under the INFLUENCE. Then you are working against yourself. You will be tearing down all your strengths. Don't ever get arrested. Stay away from trouble. Stay away from friends who put you close to trouble. Get away from them and STAY away from them. DRUGS??? That is the most stupid thing that you could ever do. Alcohol??? That is even more stupid. Getting drunk? Never do that. Not only does it shorten your life, it shortens your freedom. Stay away from all those things. The youth of America are not thinking anymore. They are ruining their future. Do not allow this to happen to YOU. Good luck. You are on your way.
2017-08-31 11:19 am
Your pets, if you have any. If you can manage more, your tooth brush, toothpaste, hairbrush & pet food.
2017-08-31 10:54 am
Some clothes - and look around your room for things that are important to you but can't easily be replaced. Good luck on the wind blowing the fire away from your house.
2017-08-31 10:20 am
Grab your phone, few days worth of your clothes and money. Make sure to bring identification with you. If you have money and if the whole town isn't on fire, you should be able to get anything else you may need in different place.
2017-08-31 9:35 am
Clothing. Any bank documents (such as savings account info) Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, and any female needs) A phone. If you have a backup drive for your computer take that after backing up anything you want to save. Any personal items that you really would not want to lose in a fire
參考: 38 years in business
2017-08-31 9:32 am
Well you certainly shouldn't be typing if you're about to fooking burn.

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