Is "not the one you want the one you need" Is this a good slogan for a freshman presidency?

2017-08-31 5:49 am

回答 (9)

2017-08-31 5:50 am
Obongo's was "I'm so pretty.... so very pretty...."
2017-08-31 5:53 am
Other way around for "The(incompetent)One"!..."The one telling you what you want to hear, not the truth!"
2017-08-31 5:52 am
No one needs Trump's utter incompetence or his pathetic constant concern for attention and "ratings."

But here we are.....
2017-08-31 5:50 am
Worked for Trump. Offer teacher dress up like clown day.
2017-08-31 8:16 am
no. This one is more like "send in the clowns"
2017-08-31 6:17 am
No because you're basically saying they don't want you. You need to imply that they want and need you
2017-08-31 6:09 am
All that does is remind them that you're not the one they want. :D
2017-08-31 5:53 am
No, it really wasn't even a good slogan for a batman movie, and you really don't want people thinking about vigilantes when they look at the president- no good would come of that at all.
2017-08-31 5:52 am
That's like saying nobody wants you but they better elect you anyway. Not good.
It's more positive if you say you're "NOT JUST the one you want; you're the one they need."

How about: "Make HS Great Again?" 🙄

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