Do I have an eviction held against me in Arizona if I move out the day the land lord is talking about evicting me?

2017-08-30 6:18 am
So first question is where can I check my rental history at? And if I moved out a day before the landlord was talking about an eviction am I still evicted if I wasn't a day late in any payments. I moved out before the month had ended and was asking the landlord if I could have a week to pay the rent. And they said no so I moved out during the month that I payed for but rent was due in 3 days. I didn't stay there on the first when the rent was due. I moved out on the 28th with all of my belongings. And at my second apartment I onlyes stayed there 4 days after the first and during that time I was taking to the landlord about paying the next week to he said I. So on the fifth day I left and he tried putting an eviction notice but I was never served with any papers. And the apartment where I live now told me it never went through since it was a month to month contract. But idk why it still showed up when I moved here. But anyways how can I check? And the only thing I did was break 2 lease agreements with having 6 months left on each but both apartments have been bought out since then so I'm not sure if I do have evictions or if I do if they are even active. Help me?

回答 (7)

2017-08-30 8:19 am
There is no 'rental history database' A landlord doesn't evict, they give notice to leave and if you don't then they go to court to get a court order if you have been given notice to leave by your landlord and you left AND don't owe any rent then the landlord will not need to court evict, if you do owe rent then the landlord will go to court and it will show on your credit record that you have a CCJ against you and all/any future landlords can see that so will not/highly unlikely rent to you as you are a problem tenant
2017-08-30 6:46 am
Where do you get this assumption that there is a rental history database that all landlords must report your whereabouts to????
2017-08-30 11:41 pm
there are no rental rosters for the public to view if you want a history of your rentals, keep them yourself
as for public records, those are created as a result of court decisions, ie if you went to court as a result of an eviction notice it would be a matter of public record which the credit companies use to determine credit scores
if you moved out prior to any notice there is nothing to report, except your failure to pay the rent
2017-08-30 10:42 am
There are several kinds of background checks that can be run on people. Court records, civil checks, criminal, administrative, credit checks. A month to month lease is no different from a long term lease. You can be evicted in either case. You violated your lease so the landlord likely evicted you. We can t tell for sure unless we know your name and run a background check on you. I don t know what you mean by "...he tried putting an eviction notice but I was never served with any papers." Landlords do not "try" and post an eviction notice. They either do it or they do not. Posting on the door IS proper notice. If that is what he did, then you were served. My guess is that you were sued for eviction and outstanding monies owing.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years experience & Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2017-08-30 8:11 am
There is no rental history database. You are only evicted if there was a court proceeding, check court records.
2017-08-30 7:02 am
There are no national data bases that track rental history.
If the landlord hadn't filed formal eviction charges against you with the courts, you weren't evicted.

The only place an eviction, or if you were ever sued for non payment of rent would show up is in your credit reports.
You are entitled to one free credit report per year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies by logging on the this is a free government sponsored site.
2017-08-30 6:34 am
There is no database for rental history like many people think there is. Landlords contact your current & previous landlords directly to verify your rental history. An eviction is a court action. You only have an eviction against you if they filed one in court. Landlords can check public rerecords to see if anything was ever filed against you. You can do the same. A property being purchased by a 3rd party does not make the fact you broke the lease go away.

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