Do you think trump will send us to war with North Korea ?/ reopen draft.?

2017-08-30 4:59 am
I'm not opposed to the idea of shutting that little turd up, but I want to know what the public thinks about it .

回答 (9)

2017-08-30 5:54 am
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No, they will simply start installing Patriot and Aegis anti missile systems all around North Korea. Station several Guided Missile Destroyers in the Sea of Japan. If a North Korean Missile even looks like it's headed for Japan, take it out. I suspect at that moment China will act, they really have no choice, they have to much invested in trade with the west to let the North Koreans mess it up and start a war.
2017-08-30 5:07 am
No. Trump is playing to his audience which is his supporters.
2017-08-30 5:02 am
2017-08-31 12:36 pm
2017-08-30 11:10 pm
I believe that Kim intends to continue the Korean War of 1950. The North has never agreed to sign a peace treaty and the biggest industry in North Korea is their army. They think South Korea is a runaway province protected by the evil Americans and they want it. Trump will not send us to war but I hope to God he doesn't back away from it, or we will be eating nukes in Los Angeles eventually.
2017-08-30 12:15 pm
North Korea under heavy sanctions and sabre rattling is exactly like Germany and Japan just before the outbreak of WW2. America, Russia, and China are aiming for taking out the Kim regime peacefully in exchange for lifting sanctions, demilitarizing NK, and reuniting North and South Korea under one democratic government. The UN is backing all that. NK is a UN member.
2017-08-30 10:59 am
The DPRK might be involved in WWIII some time later, but it's not in the immediate future.
2017-08-30 5:29 am
2017-08-30 5:16 am
I wish nuclear warmoaners would stop whinging and try to make it the best war between the US and n. Korea we can. If we all pull together we can make it a success

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