What must I do, to get a good recording with my cell phone?

2017-08-30 2:11 am
My flip phone has a "record a new sound feature. But so far, I've made 3 attempts to use it, and each time, the result was too bad a recording, to keep. I held my phone in front of a speaker, of my stereo. I held it in front of a speaker, of my computer. I don't have a mic, I can add. Can't even find one, to buy. But if I could get, even one acceptable quality recording, I could make it my next ring tone. What must I do?

回答 (1)

2017-08-30 12:18 pm
What you must do is stop expecting a phone
to do the job of a decent piece of audio equipment.

For $100 to $120, you can get a Tascam portable digital recorder
that will provide Excellent results.

That's what I would do.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 20:54:02
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