Can I take it back?

2017-08-29 2:57 pm
Ok so story is my friend let me stay at his apartment and before moving in he told me that he wasn t going to ask anything of me. So after moving in i find out that he is having problems paying off his rent, so i decided to sell some of my stuff and handed him money for rent(I don t have a job) so fast forward to a few weeks later I noticed that him and his wife arent putting any money to the rent and now we are losing the apartment because they are getting evicted so when I count the money I gave him I noticed that he spent a lot of that money on something else and not the rent. I forgot to mention both him and his wife work. So after finding out that he has been spending the money on unnecessary stuff I feel very disrespected because i put that money in for rent. So i ask is it ok for me to take my money back?

回答 (14)

2017-08-29 7:11 pm
You can ask

Seems unlikely, given the circumstances, that you'll get it back though
2017-08-29 8:32 pm
Even if you had officially paid that money to him as rent- there are no laws saying what he is allowed to do with that money. You can ask for it back but if he is not paying rent and risking eviction then I bet he has no money to pay you back with.
2017-08-30 12:14 pm
You are just a guest. You had no expectations in the first place, other than a temporary stay. Well, that temporary stay is over. Whether they ask you to leave or whether they are evicted, either way, you're out of there. Figure the money you paid them was for helping out for the time you lived there, as a guest.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2017-08-30 1:44 am
A moral person would give you the money back if they had it. Based on the situation you described, it seems they are not moral people. Ask all you want, but my guess is they won't do more than say no and laugh at you (either to your face or after you leave the room.)
2017-08-29 11:10 pm
in your naivete you thought you were doing him a favor, as you thought he was doing you a favor by not asking for any rent
you certainly could be his guest for as long as as chose to do so
but if you found out that they both worked and spent their money foolishly(and how did you find out at all) the money you thought you were advancing to help him by selling some of your stuff is certainly something that you could ask for
you won't be able to take it to small claims court however since you had no agreement about repaying and you gave willingly on your own
2017-08-29 9:45 pm
No. Consider the money as rent for the time that you did stay there. Look for another place asap.
2017-08-29 9:35 pm
If you can prove that your friends agreed to apply your gift ONLY to the rent, then you might be able to make a case for a refund, if not also paying your moving expenses caused by their negligence. If you had no such discussion, the law may view it as a gift with which he was free to do as he chose. You may, however, still ask him to compensate you for "damage" caused by his negligently getting you all evicted.
2017-08-29 7:39 pm
So the option is you start looking at finding somewhere else to live as sooner or later they will be evicted and you will be leaving as well........ no one lives for free and shouldn't expect to, so money you gave them regardless of if they paid it out on rent or spent it on having a good time ........ as it seems they owe rent and likely also owe other bills like electric, car payment etc you are just another 'bill' but as you said you 'gave' them money nothing stops you asking for it back, but you won't get it and really shouldn't expect to as you are leaching off them for free....... go look for a job, earn your own money and find your own place to pay rent/live in
2017-08-29 7:03 pm
He didnt ask you to pay anything- but you gave him money

thats a gift and once given a gift aint yours any more

you can ask from now until doomsday - but you aint gonna get
2017-08-29 4:10 pm
You can ask, but your chances of getting any of it are very slim.
2017-08-29 7:02 pm
No, you cannot. You paid to live there. You got what you paid for.
2017-08-30 1:54 am
You can ask for anything but it does not mean you will get it. You had no agreement of any kind that money had to pay the rent & nothing else.
2017-08-30 12:28 am
After moving in you find out your new roommate and his wife are having problems paying their rent. Since you are a generous person you decide to assist them by selling a few of your items and assist them in paying their rent and gave them some money for rent.

These two were behind for not paying their rent in the all of a sudden you thought by you giving them money to pay the rent, they would jump at this opportunity.

Now you find they are being evicted,f or failure to pay rent. What a surprise.

You will never get your money back this is money that is gone forever. Asking for your money back is a joke.

You might continue living with them as a free loader, since you have no job and the prospect of getting one appear to be slim. Why do you not have a job?

I hope this has been of some benefit to you, good luck.

2017-08-29 3:44 pm
No. It was a gift to him.

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