Why can't I listen in class?

2017-08-29 6:11 am
When I'm in class (i go to high school), even if I try listening I have no interest in what the teacher is saying. I prefer to go home and learn everything online instead and I don't know why I prefer doing this. I get good grades so yea but I am trying to break this habit, because when I go to University I have to listen to the lecturer.

回答 (3)

2017-08-29 6:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
My guess is it is your attention span. There are lots of ways to increase it on the web or you could talk to an occupational therapist.
2017-08-29 7:33 am
Try asking questions in class to stay engaged.
2017-08-29 6:25 am
Your teachers are boring that happens to me too. Tell your principal about your teachers. Maybe your principal will get better teachers

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