What are your thoughts on casual sex?

2017-08-29 4:41 am
Would you ever have casual sex with someone? Is it good or bad?

回答 (7)

2017-08-29 4:59 am
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Depends on the individual, really..

I think causual sex is more emotionally rewarding when you are older and have exprieinced the dating world already.. like let's say, you are 40 + (for example) and divorced with kids, just looking to hook up, but not get married or be in anything serious again... then casual sex, I believe, is smart.

If you are younger, and looking for something more serious and committal... and the person you like only wants to have "casual" sex (be FWB basically, or not even "friends" at all, just get down and dirty and that's all).. then no, I wouldn't have casual sex at a younger age, become 99.9% of the time, younger people are inexperienced and will easily catch feelings for the other person which in turn, will break their hearts. When you are older, you know more so what o expect from casual sex, and not to get too involved, because you know better.
2017-08-29 5:08 am
It's up to the couple if they want to do it.
2017-08-29 5:07 am
Its bad but a lot of fun and adventerous, lol
2017-08-29 4:56 am
Casual sex lacks substance. If you want to bust, masturbate! Otherwise use it as an expression of feelings for someone close to you.
2017-08-31 7:16 am
GAA..this is a hard one for me. I don't know how I feel about it personally because I don't think I could just have sex with someone I don't really know enough. Sex for me is more than just an act. For me to enjoy it, we both must be connected on some level. It doesn't have to be deep, just enough to confirm we're both committed to satisfy each other. I've been in a relationship where to my ex, sex was just a means to an end. There was no real intimacy and it was rather de-humanizing. Even if it was just about sex with someone, I'd never want to make anyone feel like they're just an object not an actual person. I never enjoyed myself with him and couldn't understand what all the fuss was about sex being this great thing (he was my first) until the next guy I dated. He treated me like I was all there was for him and it was the little things that ended up counting the most towards great sex. He would just make it crystal clear he loved every inch of my body, like he worshipped it. It was not objectifying in any way.

He wanted to satisfy me and made me feel like a queen in that way. My feelings about sex changed forever after him. I see what it's suppose to be like. So I guess, I'd say I would try noncommittal sex with someone as long as we are sexually compatible in the way we view sex if that makes any sense.

That's just me, others can have sex without any sort of details of that person. I'd just be safe about it. Use protection each time
2017-08-29 4:47 am
ill take some
2017-08-29 5:40 am
unless you want to catch an std

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