Where was all the hate and rage when Obama was pardoning the drug dealers/REAL criminals?

2017-08-28 9:53 pm

回答 (25)

2017-08-29 2:17 am
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Sheriff Joe did his job for the County he served for all those years.
He defied a order from a left wing liberal judge who tried to rewrite
the constitution. Did not work. Trump did the right thing.
2017-08-28 10:12 pm
liberalism at its finest.
2017-08-28 10:03 pm
Another asshole who does not know the difference between a Pardon and a Commutation of Sentence.

Are ALL Republicans this stupid?
I would like to not think so.
2017-08-28 10:07 pm
I don't really see the issues that the liberals are having with this. The sheriff is no longer a sheriff.

If you are doing your job incorrectly, you are generally fired and not put in prison. That is the accusation, that he was doing his job incorrectly. Throwing him in prison is just the leftists being the spiteful hateful people we all know they are.
2017-08-28 10:01 pm
hate and rage are staples of the left, not the right
2017-08-28 10:26 pm
I believe that all of the Obama drug pardons were for people who would actually served at least part of their sentence. The logic there was that many cases people felt that these individuals had been sentenced to lengthy prison terms than were necessary. Obama's pardons, or in many cases clemency, were meant to recognize that these people had committed crimes and deserve some punishment they may not have deserve as much punishment as was originally meted out.

The Arpaio case is completely different. For one thing, Trump has pardoned alpaio before he was punished for his crimes. Indeed, I think he was pardoned before he was even sentenced. Second, we're not talking about a a personal crime such as doing drugs or visiting a prostitute. The crime which Arpaio committed was done in his official capacity as Sheriff of Maricopa County. This means that Trump's pardon can be seen as legitimizing police corruption and misconduct. The only recourse which the public has to correct abuses of police power is through the courts. If Trump will now absolve convicted police officers of wrongdoing then that remedy disappears. Trump stated reason for pardoning Arpaio was that the sheriff was old and that he wanted to spare him a stint in jail, even if the maximum term would have been six months. However, if this was the case, Trump could have offered clemency to Arpaio. This is where the conviction still stands but the punishment is reduced or even waved. Trump could have kept Arpaio from serving any time in jail, ostensibly out of concern for his health, but allowed the conviction to stand as a rebuke to Arpaio illegal actions.
2017-08-28 10:01 pm
Liberal left radicals always fake the claim of indignation. The best one at it is Chuck Schumer. The basis of their claim can be seen in Hillary Clinton and many other democrats of the past. And that is the right of corruption.
2017-08-28 9:55 pm
And Bradley Manning. Don't forget him.
2017-08-28 10:03 pm
He is their messiah....... get real
2017-08-28 10:08 pm
Blame the Public School System and their dogmatic socialist agenda for why Democrats are undereducated and sheeple.
2017-08-28 10:03 pm
They're a bunch a weenies.
2017-08-28 10:00 pm
I'm just relieved that the (FINALLY!)stopped blaming Bush for everything!
2017-08-28 10:02 pm
Almost all those people were non-violent offenses!

Trump's first pardon was for a moron who violated an order from a federal court! The order was issued because he was violating Latino Americans civil rights by racial profiling of them!
2017-08-28 10:14 pm
Obama never pardoned an elected official who had been cited for contempt of court for acting unconstitutional.

If he had, I can hardly *imagine* the hate and rage from your side. You're supposed to care about these sorts of things, but when it comes to Hispanics I guess not.
2017-08-28 10:46 pm
Obama freed people who were put in prison with unfair sentences due to Jim Crow laws that still exist. Most were nonviolent drug offenders who were sentenced to 15+ years. Trump pardoned a racist sheriff who had run prisons like concentration camps, had his force do racial profiling, and who was unnecessarily harsh on illegal immigrants. That man deserves to be in jail more than anyone Obama freed.
2017-08-29 9:54 am
Obama was beloved by the media and hollywood. He was supported so he was not criticized in the press.
2017-08-29 5:48 am
Not on the left
2017-08-28 10:03 pm
Guys put away for life for petty non-violent crimes? There was no political reason like with Arpaio.
2017-08-29 4:51 am
Liberals are similar to Christians in having gross double standards. Whatever Barack Obama did was beyond reproach, but anything Donald Trump does makes them hate him. They are insane.
2017-08-29 11:01 am
You are misinformed. Those were nonviolent offenders, which is more than you can say for Joe. Although personally I think the man needs a shrink.
2017-08-28 10:00 pm
But! But! But! Drug dealers are not real criminals. They're just supplying harmless recreation to those that want it and the fascist government doesn't want them to have. Obama was being a humanitarian.
參考: Sarcasm.
2017-08-28 9:56 pm
Don't worry about it. Until the sherrif comes to you and says you look illegal, you probably wouldn't be empathetic.
2017-08-28 11:09 pm
Arpaio made himself into a criminal when he ignored a court order. He can't claim the "moral upper hand." Someone smoking a joint behind the nightclub should not be compared with a law-enforcement officer who deliberately flouts a federal judge, and continues to violate the US Constitution.

Arpaio cost Maricopa taxpayers millions of dollars in attorney's fees and settlements. Now the a*****e is asking for donations to pay his legal fees for this latest legal arglebargle - even when Arpiao himself has substantial financial means. He's just like Trump, wanting other people to pay for his criminality.

There's a reason why that 85-year-old fart got voted out.
2017-08-28 10:52 pm
Drug dealers are not "real" criminals. I know you think it's still the 60's. But it isn't. A vast majority of drug dealers and users are not violent people and don't deserve prison time just for using something on themselves. And Obama didn't "pardon" them. He reduced their sentences.
2017-08-28 10:00 pm
Weed is medicinal at this point. They're aren't real criminals.

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