Which of the following is TRUE of hydrophobic molecules?

2017-08-28 12:52 am
a. Dissolving in water decreases the entropy of the mixture.b.Water forms a cage-like structure around them. c. They have limited solubility in water.d.They self-associate by releasing some of the surrounding water molecules. e. All of the above

回答 (2)

2017-08-28 1:24 am
a. flask
Entropy must increase when substances are mixture. Hydrophobic (means water hating) molecules cannot be mixed with water because of the increases in enthalpy in mixing.

b. flask
Hydrophobic molecules cannot mix with water, and thus it is impossible for water molecules to form a cage-like structure around the hydrophobic molecules.

c. true
Substances consist of hydrophobic molecules are sparingly soluble or even insoluble in water.

d. flask
As describe above, no water molecules surround the hydrophobic molecules.

The answer: c. They have limited solubility in water.
2017-10-18 11:06 am
ALL are TRUE !!!!

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