Does anyone else go through and dislike all the other answers?

2017-08-27 2:40 am
or anyone any answers from a "Top contributer"?

回答 (5)

2017-08-27 4:05 am
Sounds like you just don't have a life, go find a hobby, you sound miserable, go find a job, you honestly sound like a broke bum. Lol idiot.
2017-08-27 7:26 am
That would be a very small indeed & petty person who did that
2017-08-27 4:55 am
Sounds like racial profiling top contributors, you really need a better life, take up a hobby.
2017-09-01 8:47 am
No. Only a troll would do that.
2017-08-27 7:00 am

i may answer some lucky lucky ppl

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