法律問題(香港) (1) 一宗案件,是否按「上庭的次數」而收費 ? (2) 一般的民事訴訟, 法庭在每一堂收取的費用, 是否有規定的? (3) 如訴訟已過了三堂,在第四堂的開始,因法官提供的案例而令控方有所動搖,即時提出「撤消控訴」,法庭收費方面又如何? 請幫忙解答。 感謝!?

2017-08-25 4:13 pm

回答 (1)

2017-08-26 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. No, given that not all cases will make it to the court, and each of them proceeds differently.

2. Yes.

3. In most of the case, courts follow a principal that the losing party pays the fees. So the prosecution in this case will be mostly responsible for the costs.

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