How to exercise my brain?

2017-08-25 2:14 pm

回答 (9)

2017-08-25 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Puzzles and activities that stimulate the brain, as well as physical exercise. The links below give you some info on ways to stimulate your brain.
2017-08-25 4:17 pm
do brain teasers, and solve logical questions
2017-08-26 4:49 am
Math. I had a calculus teacher once whom told us that for many of you you will never need calculus but this course will stretch your brain. Math will stretch your brain whatever level.
2017-08-25 3:21 pm
detox, no meat, sun, vitamins and interesting subjects.
2017-08-25 3:08 pm
Use it to solve problems
2017-08-25 2:31 pm
2017-08-25 2:17 pm
You should watch videos on YouTube that ask to solve puzzles.
2017-08-25 2:15 pm
School studies
2017-08-28 8:40 pm
To solve puzzle activites

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