If I were in New York and it was Monday night, could I talk to someone in Australia since it would be Tuesday morning or afternoon there?

2017-08-24 9:53 am

回答 (10)

2017-08-24 12:06 pm
Yes, of course, but you need a way to communicate with that person such as a phone or computer since talking to someone in Australia from New York just won't work without them.
2017-08-24 11:20 pm
Of course you can,

Just check local time before calling overseas, so you won't wake someone up in the middle of the night.
2017-08-26 5:22 pm
They are in a different time zone not in a different time period.
2017-08-26 4:52 am
as long as you don't try to talk past the twilight zone
2017-08-25 12:41 pm
10:00 PM Monday, in Eastern Time is 12:00 PM Tuesday, in Sydney NSW, Australia.
Here's a link you can check:
If you have an android phone, maybe you would like to add this widget:
If not, there is an app called "timeanddate".
2017-08-25 6:32 am
2017-08-24 9:59 pm
Yes, why not? Phone communications have existed around the world for nearly 100 years.
2017-08-24 4:31 pm
2017-08-24 12:30 pm
Eastern Australia is fourteen hours ahead of New York. So 8.00 pm in New York would be 10.00 am in Sydney or Melbourne.
2017-08-24 12:04 pm
Yes you can.

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