Tennis is the only sport ___ I can play with you. 我寫which 答案that 為什麼不能用which? 謝謝><?

2017-08-23 9:32 am

回答 (4)

2017-08-23 12:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案

關鍵在 the only。

英語關係代名詞,只要先行詞部分有表示「全部、唯一、一些、某些、每個、許多」等,如 all、 only、any、anything、every 、everything、 no、nothing、some、something、few、little、many、much、the thing 這些字,以及最高級,如: the best、the most、the +~est 等,習慣上要用 that,不要用 which。

This is the best book that I have ever read. (最高級 the best book)

That is all that I have to say. (表示「全部」 all)

There is something that I want to tell you. (表示「某件事」 something)
2017-08-23 12:38 pm
「先行詞」的前面有最高級(如 the first, the only, the best)時,通常用that:
That's the most beautiful music "that" I have ever heard.
請參見p.376 綿貫陽著《新觀念英文法》

你的句子有the only sport,所以通常是用that,而非which。
2017-08-23 12:27 pm
that, relative pronoun plural unchanged; used in defining, restrictive clauses; hence not preceded by a comma; yet often preferred to "which" for things="that",and often replaced by "that"; and often used in place of "which".---thing=sport=eg:-Tennis is the only sport(that)----defining clause.
which:-interrogative pronoun; which persons:-eg:-Which is taller?Which of the sport do you wish to play with?
2017-08-24 6:49 am
Tennis is the only spot==that ; spot==which Yip

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