could you help me with my Chemistry?

2017-08-22 11:23 pm
For the following endothermic reaction;
2 CH2Cl2 (g)⇌ CH4 (g)+ CCl4 (g)

At equilibrium at a given temperature, the concentrations of CH4 and CCl4 are both 0.2 M and the concentration of CH2Cl2 is 0.021 M.
Write an expression for the equilibrium constant. (2 marks)

Calculate a value for Kc for this reaction under these conditions. Make sure you show the working out. (2 marks)

Does Kc have units or not? Show your workings. (1 mark)

回答 (1)

2017-08-22 11:36 pm
2CH₂Cl₂(g) ⇌ CH₄(g) + CCl₄(g) …… Kc

Equilibrium constant, Kc = [CH₄] [CCl₄] / [CH₂Cl₂]

At equilibrium:
[CH₄] = [CCl₄] = 0.2 M
[CH₂Cl₂] = 0.021 M

Kc = [CH₄] [CCl₄] / [CH₂Cl₂] = (0.2 M)² / (0.021 M)² = 91

Kc does not have unit.

Kc = (0.2 M)² / (0.021 M)² = (0.2² M²) / (0.021² M²)
As both the denominator and numerator have the same unit M², the units are cancelled off.

收錄日期: 2021-04-18 17:42:57
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