math. trigonometry.?

2017-08-20 1:19 pm
what do they mean by
0<|x|< pi/2 ?

absolute function ( |y| )is confusing?

回答 (6)

2017-08-20 1:29 pm
Definition of |x| is:
When x ≥ 0: |x| = x
When x < 0: |x| = -x

Consider that 0 < |x| < π/2

When x ≥ 0:
0 < x < π/2

When x < 0:
0 < -x < π/2
Then, -π/2 < x < 0

Hence, 0 < |x| < π/2 is equivalent to (0 < x < π/2) or (-π/2 < x < 0)
OR: 0 < |x| < π/2 is equivalent to (-π/2 < x < π/2) but x ≠ 0
2017-08-20 2:44 pm
Absolute value is always a positive number, in this case they also said it must be greater than 0.
2017-08-20 2:09 pm
0<x<π/2 or
x is in Quadrant 1 or 4
x ≠ 0
2017-08-20 9:33 pm
-pi/2 < x < pi/2 and x > 0

It means x > 0 and x < pi/2
Quadrant I
2017-08-20 4:37 pm
x lies in first quadrant.
2017-08-20 1:38 pm
|y| is absolute value.

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