求翻譯英文 詳情內容請致電到本店查詢, 謝謝?

2017-08-19 7:05 pm

回答 (5)

2017-08-19 9:09 pm
欲了解更多關於本店項目服務或其他 ,歡迎致電本店查詢(24小時營業)。

Please call us anytime (24x7) for more details of our services or any concerns you might have. We are open 24x7.
2017-08-22 10:49 am
For more details, feel free to call us anytime. Our telephone number is XXXX XXXX. Thank you!
2017-08-20 5:43 pm
Please be free to contact us for more information.這是商業用語普遍用法
2017-08-19 7:24 pm
欲了解更多關於本店項目服務或其他 ,歡迎致電本店查詢(24小時營業)。


2017-08-19 7:21 pm
Please feel free to give us a call if you wanna have a further understand of our services. We are open 24 hours


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