WCW was incompetent. Are you surprised that what happened to Owen Hart did not happen to Sting?

2017-08-19 7:47 am

回答 (3)

2017-08-19 5:20 pm
WCW had the better rafter harnesses that were much safer than the WWF's. For all the proclamation Vince McMahon loves to shove down our throats about WWF being better than WCW, well, I think Vince needs to take a look in the mirror and see that if he stopped running his mouth endlessly about WCW being inferior, long after their demise, maybe we would've looked at Vince in a better light, coz now he lost billions of dollars in one day.
2017-08-19 1:54 pm
No. Those types of stunts are generally pretty safe. Owen Hart's death was an anomaly - a 1 in a 1000 or even 10000
2017-08-19 10:38 am

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