Wasn't the Charlottesville thing basically the fault of Black Lives Matter, since they were the ones making white nationalists angry?

2017-08-17 10:12 pm
It's like when women wear provocative clothing. They're practially asking fo it!

回答 (24)

2017-08-17 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
So it's OK to mow down people in my car if they just happen to annoy me at anytime then is it?
2017-08-17 10:16 pm
Here's what I read in your question:

"Wasn't the Normandy thing basically the fault of the Americans, since they were the ones making the Nazi's angry?"
2017-08-17 10:15 pm
Maybe it's Obama's fault for bating the racists by being a black man in power.
2017-08-17 10:25 pm
If you make me angry and i shoot you, will you go to jail for annoying me?
2017-08-17 10:16 pm
White nationalists don't like BLM but they are not the reason white nationalists are angry. They are angry out of ignorance and fear.

Conservatism is a partially heritable personality trait that predisposes some people to be cognitively inflexible, fond of hierarchy, and inordinately afraid of uncertainty, change, and death. They fear Muslims, gays, transgender, immigrants, Mexicans, and anyone they perceive as different. People vote Republican because Republicans offer "moral clarity"—a simple vision of good and evil, black and white, ("Black and white thinking" is the false dichotomy of assuming anything not good is evil and vice versa.) that activates deep seated fears in much of the electorate.
2017-08-17 10:14 pm
Women not wearing burkas in America are likely to make conservative guys angry too.
2017-08-17 11:22 pm
Yeah as far as I am concerned.
2017-08-17 11:03 pm
Wasn't it the fault of the Jews for making the Nazis angry by existing?
2017-08-17 10:58 pm
White nationalists do not need to be provoked to anger, it is their default position.
2017-08-17 10:31 pm
Another dumb c0ntard blaming the victims.

"You wouldn't have gotten raped if you hadn't shown up dressed like that!"
2017-08-17 11:25 pm
Lollllll you're bout to get dragged
2017-08-17 11:19 pm
I know you're joking, but some Republicans actually believe that
2017-08-17 10:19 pm
Troll, troll, troll.
2017-08-17 10:28 pm
2017-08-17 11:45 pm
Charlottesville was the fault of the nut job city council that decided to remove Confederate statues, issued a permit for a protest rally and then did NOTHING to keep the violent left counter protesters (in their helmets, with shields and weapons) apart from the protest rally.
2017-08-17 10:47 pm
Is this the pinnacle of stupidity or what?
2017-08-17 10:26 pm
blm needs to kill itself
2017-08-17 11:57 pm
2017-08-17 11:52 pm
Oh yes it was totally their fault for trying to stop racism *eye roll* and, regarding ur clothes point- when men walk around shirtless and in their boxers women don't attack them so y is it different if women do
2017-08-17 11:48 pm
Public records show who had the permit. Research it. No one side will listen to me if they think I may oppose that side.
2017-08-17 11:37 pm
Tsk, tsk. You're not very bright, are you, dear?

This isn't even clever trolling.
2017-08-17 11:45 pm
Cause and Effect: Fast evolving ESCALATING reactive violence between Proponent vs. Opponent spiraled out of control; neither side conceding quietly.

NEITHER side in the Charlottesville protest violence incident come out from this hailed as heroes; BOTH SIDES SHARE EQUAL BLAME for the violence and it's tragic aftermath.

THAT was President Trump's opinion of what happened in Charlottesville; I applaud him for taking a NEUTRAL stand on this issue. After all: American Justice IS blind only to allow the TRUTH and FACTS to determine justice for the GUILTY. And President Trump DID make it clear: NOTHING justifies what James Alex Fields; he WILL face the same BLIND Justice due ALL Americans, charged with a crime.

Question remains yet answered: WHO suddenly had a problem with that Confederate General Robert E. Lee statue, that's been there in Charlottesville, VA. for 88 years? WHO wants it taken down---and why??

Answer those 2 pressing questions---and you there have the PROVOCATEURS who kicked off this violence in the first place; THEY should be aggressively investigated by FBI AND Homeland Security.
2017-08-17 11:11 pm

BLM and ANTIFA are terrorist and President Trump will not tolerate their violence against the KKK, Neo-Nazis, and White Supremacists.

Thank God we finally have a real Leader who protects our Right to stand up against the evil Left agenda.

God Bless President Trump and God Bless America!
2017-08-17 10:24 pm
The "Charlottesville thing" was the fault of local politicians and law enforcement. Whether you agree with someone else's opinion or not, they have a right to protest in a free country. If the Nazi's want to display their ignorance, you have the right to laugh at them, but not attack them. The governor of Virginia, who is being portrayed as some kind of victim, should have had the common sense to have sufficient law enforcement in place to quell the inevitable violent reaction from the alt left.

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