Rude consumer?

2017-08-17 8:46 pm
I experience the same rude consumers at times at my work as a cashier. Every time I see her see always harass me and say negative things every time. What do I do? I m getting tired of it and get take it anymore. I ve already so my assiant manger and she said to take her like a grain of salt. I m nice as possible to the woman but it feel too personal.

回答 (13)

2017-08-17 10:27 pm
It's not personal. This person probably hates everyone. Don't let her bother you.
2017-08-17 10:13 pm
YOU are the lowest person on the business totem pole. As a cashier, YOUR feelings mean absolutely nothing. Do the job, or get lost.

So you need to get over it FAST, if you want to keep your job. You are there ONLY to run the cash register. You are a servant to everyone else.

And you are ALSO the butt-end of all the bad jokes, harassment, and anger that comes into your store. THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT THIS except to get back in school, get a diploma, learn some real skills and get a better job.

Don't worry about the store. There are 1,000 people just like, waiting in the parking lot, "dying" for a chance to eat the sh*t sandwich that you are choking on.

What do you do?
(1) Quit
(2) Ignore the whole thing. Pretend that you are stoned out of your gourd, and just giggle when someone says something nasty to you
(3) Start the transaction right with a happy, REAL smile, and a cheery "Good Morning!". At least, if the customer acts like someone pissed in their cornflakes this morning, it wasn't YOUR fault.

Remember, this is the job YOU chose. YOU can also "unchoose" the job by simply quitting.
2017-08-22 10:55 pm
If you are going to be working with the public, you need to grow a thicker skin. People are rude and you are going to be in contact with rude people. If you cannot handle it, then perhaps you need not work with the public any longer.

I worked retail at one time and I came across my fair share of rude people. How do I treat them? With respect and kindness. Their dysfunctional behavior has zero to do with me, so it is silly to take a rude customer personally. Some people are just bullies and they get off on disturbing other people. Like most bullies, they are cowards who are insecure. Do not react to the bullies. Smile, treat them like gold and they will deflate because you have regained the power and show that their behavior does not affect you.
2017-08-19 10:50 pm
Kill her with kindness. It's literally the best thing one can do. When she knows you aren't phased by her attitude, she might tone it down. I saw a quote once that went something like this: "When people are mean to you, it isn't because of you. They are just hiding their own insecurities."
2017-08-18 8:22 am
maybe you can take a break when you see them coming. at least youre getting paid to put up with them, i dont even have a job, youre lucky
2017-08-17 9:29 pm
You could try asking your supervisor if they could direct this customer to a different line than yours when coming to checkout or if you can go on break to avoid them.
I had a customer much like this when I was a cashier, but she was nasty to everyone so I made do with being nice and remembering that it's just a job.
2017-08-17 9:08 pm
Some people are depressive and unhappy, and go out looking for someone else to punish. Know their life is certainly miserable if that is all they can accomplish.

Do the same thing that families of people with addictions do- anticipate their bad behavior, and let it roll off. Unless YOU allow them to hurt you, they cannot. Smile and say "have a nice day", and ignore whatever they say, no matter what it is. It didn't have any effect on you physically, nor can it, and any emotional damage is your allowing it. Just don't react, because that is exactly what they want. if you make this the assistant manager's problem, the manager will let you go. Just think about something else when these people show up.
2017-08-17 8:48 pm
I used to be a cashier and let me tell you - it probably IS personal. Some people just dislike other people. Something tells me that you did something that she didn't agree with, something not major, and now she holds it against you. I know it's hard to do but don't let it bother you. She's just 1 person and it's just a job. You know what would make her really upset? Being really, really nice to her. When I had people who were disrespectful to me when I was a cashier I would be SO nice to them and it made them more mad but at least I knew it couldn't be anything that I did... it had to be them.
2017-08-21 2:00 am
2017-08-20 10:44 pm
tell the manager
2017-08-18 3:39 am
Some people are aways going to be that way..
Forget it and put the money in the cash register and have a nice day...
2017-08-18 1:25 am
Be so OTT sweet and polite with the fakest big smile you can do. When she is rude do an exaggerated Thank youuuuuuuuu while grinning like you have a coat hanger stuck in your mouth. Make it a game,
2017-08-17 8:56 pm
Well, this is the time to grow some balls and give the biggest HELL of an insult to that consumer, then show a middle finger to your "boss" and go get a life you looser. May I suggest spitting on this rude consumer? Spit on her and if I were you I'd slap her, but thats just me, you should play it safe and just trash that MOFO. Practice how you are going to insult her. Tell her she is stupid and you find her to be a moron and that you are not going to serve her. Ask her to leave. You know, show her how you feel.

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