If you were to put a supercharger and a turbo in an engine, would it be any different than each individually or would it make one redundant.?

2017-08-17 6:44 am

回答 (3)

2017-08-17 7:11 am
They do the same thing, the only difference is the power source they use. Both pressurize the incoming air, allowing more air and fuel to be packed into the cylinder. The turbocharger is capturing energy that would simply go out the tail pipe, but they do not respond instantly.

A supercharger is mechanically powered by the engine through a gear or belt or chain. A turbocharger uses a turbine powered by the exhaust flow.

There is a limit to how much pressure can be handled by the engine. It's quite possible to reach that limit with ether device, so there is no reason to use both.
2017-08-17 7:47 am
there are some cars made and sold today that have both. The supercharger works to produce power at slow engine speeds. The turbo kicks in at high engine speeds.
2017-08-17 7:06 am
Most people go with twin turbos, a small one to produce instant boost while the big one spins up. Much easier to set up as an aftermarket system because you would have to find some way to disengage the supercharger once the turbo spun up to see the benefit of reduced engine load from the supercharger which consumes a lot of power at high RPM..

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 21:49:06
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