Math problem about base 10 and base 5?

2017-08-17 4:27 am
The base-10 number 827 is written in base 5 as 11302(base 5). What is the base-10 value of the digit 3 in this number?

Steps/an explain would be helpful!

回答 (2)

2017-08-17 4:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
11302 base 5 means
1 x 5^4 + 1 x 5^3 + 3 x 5^2 + 0 x 5^1 + 2 x 5^0
if you do the arithmetic that equals 827 in base 10.
The digit 3 (see above) is associated with 3 x 5^2, i.e. 3*25 = 75 (base 10).
2017-08-17 4:32 am
So in base ten each number column moving left is 10x the value
Same in base five but with 5x multiple.
All bases start with the rightmost number as ones.

2 singles
0 fives
3 twenty fives
1 one hundred and twenty fives
1 six hundred and twenty fives

3 twenty fives = 75 in base ten

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