Why do you need a broker for TLC insurance for Uber (in NYC)?

2017-08-17 2:44 am
I keep hearing about getting an insurance broker for TLC. I'm doing Uber (in NYC) and I don't understand what a broker can do that you can't do yourself. I mean what's the difference between him/her getting me some specialized license vs me getting my own commercial license from somewhere like progressive or Geico?

回答 (6)

2017-08-18 11:56 pm
You aren't getting a specialized LICENSE. If you need one of those, you go to the state. You need specialized INSURANCE, you get it, and ALL insurance through a broker. You don't go to Walmart or Costco to buy car insurance.
2017-08-23 11:58 am
If you only want to buy from Geico or Progressive, you don't need a broker.

A broker has access to more insurance companies than just those two, however. Believe it or not, most insurance companies won't write insurance directly - you HAVE to use an agent to get to them. The ones you can get to without a broker or agent . . . well, that's just a small handful.
2017-08-19 11:27 pm
insurance coverage for your vehicle is not the same as insurance that allows you to transport people, it is certainly far more expensive since you are involving someone who is not part of your family or invited guest in your car
2017-08-17 9:08 pm
It doesn't change the price, so why not get professional help? Also, why consider just one or two direct companies when the broker can likely show you those AND others and help you.

Otherwise, you're free to do it yourself. But, if I could have Bob Vila build me a deck for the same price it'd cost to DIY it, then I'd let Bob do it. With insurance, it's not JUST about buying the insurance. It's about getting help getting paid at claim time too, so having additional help in your corner is a valuable resource.
2017-08-18 1:11 am
The reason that insurance companies don't allow you to do this yourself is because of liability.

It doesn't cost any more to use a broker as it does to do it yourself.
2017-08-17 3:09 am
Progressive and Geico do not issue licenses, they write insurance. You clearly don't understand how this works.

In order for your vehicle to be registered with the TLC, you need to have the vehicle associated with a TLC registered base. Uber does this and their shop is right across the street from the TLC. You can purchase commercial auto insurance from Geico or Progressive...but I don't think they both write direct on the commercial side in ny anyway.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:38:54
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