President Trump got N.Korea to back of without giving the ant money or telling any lies!!!! Is Trump the best or what?

2017-08-16 8:08 am

回答 (12)

2017-08-16 8:10 am
After 8 years of hell under Obama, I was willing to give Trump lots of leeway, turns out I didn't have too. He is amazing!
2017-08-16 8:09 am
This is how a strong President does business.
2017-08-16 8:13 am
It ended when China made this statement, N. Korea attack first they are on their own, USA attack first then China enters the war on N. Korea side. End of story, once they made that statement both goofy leaders shut up.
2017-08-16 8:12 am
He scared Kimmy
2017-08-16 8:10 am
Please, the press can not abide facts like this going public!
2017-08-16 12:08 pm
Trump had little to nothing to do with this...the Chinese told Kim to back down or else.
2017-08-16 8:51 am
No He's not. I see another chump that bought that con.
2017-08-16 8:48 am
he is a business man and knows how to deal with AHOLEs like tin horn tyrants and libtard media jerks.
2017-08-16 8:17 am
After wimpy Obama the pushover , they got scared
2017-08-16 8:09 am
2017-08-16 8:09 am
I admit as a Liberal I am glad the President got us out of a Nuclear war but I don't think he is the best President in history.
2017-08-16 8:10 am
You seriously think he successfully got North Korea to back off? Are you so thick that you actually think Kim Jong Un would listen to Trump?

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