Should I vacation in Portland or Vancouver this winter?

2017-08-15 10:43 am
I am trying to plan a solo winter vacation. Last year I did Seattle and love it. This year, I want to do either Portland or Vancouver. This will be from Dec 26-Dec 31. Keep in mind that the rain doesn’t bither me a bit! The things I like to do consist of: walk around and explore downtown area, take cool photos via Iphone, eat at different local restaurants, shop, see art, go to bars, and nightclubs. Which city should i visit? I’m a 23 year old male, if that makes a difference.

回答 (4)

2017-08-16 3:34 pm
Which Vancouver do you mean? There is Vancouver, B.C. Canada. There is also Vancouver, Washington, which is a suburb of Portland, separated by the width of the Columbia River (which is about 3/4 mile).
2017-08-16 12:56 am
Both cities would be a good place for a December vacation. I like Vancouver just a little bit more than Portland, but if you do wine tour from Portland, you get to see the spectacular scenery outside the city.
2017-08-15 7:43 pm
Vancouver is a great place to visit with a lot to see and do and excellent food. If you go, be sure to stop off at Bella Gelateria - they've even won gelato awards in Italy. Try some of the food trucks too. There's a site here that shows where they all will be:
2017-08-15 10:48 am
I would say Vancouver, because the Canadian dollar is cheaper than the American dollar. The two cities are roughly the same in population, but Vancouver plays a larger role in Canada than Portland does in the US, which might make it more fun to go to Vancouver. It's ultimately up to you.

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