Is my boyfriend asking too much of me sexually or am I selfish?

2017-08-15 8:16 am
The worst I think was when I got raped by someone. It was the day afterwards and I was to see my boyfriend for the first time for 2 weeks. I agreed to have sex with him and was pretending everything was okay because I wasn't planning on telling anyone
I broke down during sex and told him everything we talked and he comforted me for hours but later that night he started asking me for sex I said no initially but he kept begging and said he didn't get to *** earlier and I could just lay there. I gave in and just laid there until he finished then we went to bed.

He has also coaxed me into sex whilst I had a bad cold and when I had the stomach flu. When I have stomach and headaches insisting it will make me feel better.

回答 (3)

2017-08-15 9:18 am
Your boyfriend is incredibly selfish. He won't die of "blue balls" because you don't feel up to having sex sometimes. And the level of selfishness that exists with him needing to "finish" despite your rape reveal and withdraw is jaw dropping. He's not nice. A lot of young men throw tantrums when they don't get sex on demand. Little boys can be dangerous as well as selfish.
2017-08-15 9:13 am
Selfish describes your your BF to a T! You had just been raped and at other times not felt well, and he pressures you into having sex...If that isn't a textbook description of SELFISH, I don't know what is! I think you should seriously consider dumping him for someone who cares about YOU and not just whether or not he reaches orgasm.
2017-08-15 8:33 am
thats guy is a asshole

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