Friends with benefits problems?

2017-08-15 6:43 am
I've had this FWB for over 2 months now. We're good friends as well.We have done everything under the sun except for sex ( I'm a virgin and he didnt want to take it from me in those circumstances) because he sees me as just a friend and I agree. Any who I told him that I had been on a couple of dates recently ( we both agreed to be honest about that from the start). He texts back " Either this guy doesnt want me in the picture or I've got a lot of competition". When I first told him about the guy he instantly thought the worst about him ( unfortunately he was right). He would ask me things like who I thought was cuter and stuff. When I called him out on it he would keep denying it but he acts differently if I mention someone else. My other frinds think he's lying so things won't change between us. Does my FWB really have feelings for me?

回答 (2)

2017-08-15 7:29 am
I would not guess about who cares about who. But I am curious about what are the 'benefits' of this friends with benefits arrangement, if you are still a virgin ? In a true friends with benefits relationship you should be having sex, and ignoring any thoughts of feelings
2017-08-15 6:57 am
I highly doubt it. I think what is really happening here are one of these 3 things:

1. He doesn't want to lose you because he has nobody else in the back burner--not necessarily because he has feelings for you. He's like, "Oh shoot! I can't get someone else right now and I want my needs met!"

2. His ego is bruised. Sometimes (and I have been guilty of this--I admit it) we don't really like someone, but it bruises our ego that the person is not groveling at our feet. It bruises the ego to realize that we are not as great (as good looking, as fun, as smart, etc) as we thought we were.

3. He's one of those people that they want what they can't/don't have then when they get it, they don't want it anymore...and it's a never ending cycle. One of my exes was like this. He told me had no feelings for me and pretty much hated everything about me...then calls me excessively when he found out I was with another guy.

Maybe he likes you or many he's putting on an act to get you to stay with him (emotional manipulation like your friends say.) I don't really have a definite answer confirming what he is thinking. I would have suggested to talk to him about it in a calm manner, but it looks like he doesn't want to cave in to what he's thinking. Which is frustrating and immature.

I believe if a guy REALLY likes you, he would say it and make you his girlfriend ASAP and not tag you along as a FWB and let you date other guys...losing you forever to one of them.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 00:40:20
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