I miss my biological father... He refuses to talk to me. I have an idea but I'm not sure it will work?

2017-08-15 3:39 am
My biological father lives in Long Beach California. I live in Northeastern Kansas. I can't just go over to his house and refuse to leave. I could get his girlfriend's phone number from my aunt, his sister. Her name is Ally, his name is Micheal. My mom's name is Andrea. I live with Andrea. Micheal won't talk to me. I'm pretty sure Ally doesn't know I exist. She's motivated my dad to become a better man. He's stopped drinking in excess. He doesn't do drugs anymore. He does a lot of community service. He's a much better person, according to my aunt. I want to try reaching out again, but I'm afraid. He's told me not to talk to him ever again. I need to know if I should send Ally a message to ask her to talk to him. My aunt says she's a great person and that her and I would get along great. HELP????

回答 (6)

2017-08-15 3:59 am
not much info to go on.... but if he said do not contact then do not contact.....and..... DO NOT CONTACT HIS GIRLFRIEND !......... you seem to be on good terms with your aunt....if your aunt has any communication with him then have her... if she is willing.... be the one to pass on to him that you would like to reestablish contact with him....... if he does not want that... try to find out why he feels that way.. otherwise there is nothing you can do....
2017-08-15 9:53 am
i would send her a message and tell her to tell your dad that you miss him
2017-08-15 4:08 am
Leave him alone.
2017-08-15 4:06 am
probably because they are as sick of this f***ing troll BS as everyone else
2017-08-15 3:51 am
Are you interested in being charged with harassment or stalking? If not, then leave him and his girlfriend alone. He is under no obligation to talk to you or see you.
2017-08-15 3:45 am
No. If your father refuses to talk to you, don't drag his girlfriend into it.

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