The scuba diver who was attacked by a shark was rushed to the hospital. 此句為何可以有兩個was共存?

2017-08-13 8:26 pm

回答 (2)

2017-08-13 9:06 pm
本句是一個complex sentence,有主要子句和附屬子句。附屬子句是用來修飾主要子句主詞的形容詞子句。
was attacked 是「附屬子句」的動詞
was rushed是「主要子句」的動詞
兩者都是被動態,其中的was是助動詞,幫助後面的主要動詞形成被動態(be + p.p.)。
2017-08-14 11:57 am
句子結合描述發生在這個scuba diver潛水員的兩個情況,用了加插/附加句子成為組合句。
The scuba diver was attacked by a shark.
The scuba diver was rushed to the hospital.
The scuba diver (who was attacked by a shark) was rushed to the hospital.
但是假如再加強描述這scuba diver其實是有十年潛水經驗,那麼這類描述便要留意","的必要,句子寫法上亦可能會改變。

The scuba diver, who has ten years diving experience, was attacked by a shark and was rushed to the hospital.

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