Why does it feel good to work hard for your money?

2017-08-13 12:47 am
The other day I went out to help a friend of a friend deep clean a house that their tenant just moved out of, I ended up doing the majority of the work. I had to uproot the carpets, CLR the sinks, tubs, and floors till my lungs burned, paint EVERY wall in the house, and at the end I got $500 cash (although apparently thats extremely low for what I did but whatever). But the thing is, despite how unbelievably hard the work was, I never felt more proud about receiving money than I did that day, like I truly worked for something. I mean dont get me wrong, I have a job at some pizzeria but all I really do is wait tables and run the register. Why did I feel so proud to earn that $500 even though I earn double that for doing 1/3 the work normally? Is it something to do with self worth or what?

回答 (6)

2017-08-13 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
When you see the fruit of your labor it makes you feel proud,you accomplished something even though it was hard!you made a different!
In your everyday life you don't feel you are doing anything special,you kind of just going through the motions and getting paid for it,there isn't any purpose or goals!you might want to change it if you would like to experience the feeling more often(maybe every day!)but remember it's not about what you do it's how about your attitude while you are doing it!
2017-08-13 12:50 am
It's because you felt a satisfying sense of accomplishment and were proud of what you'd done. It was a nice change from your job and you learned that you're a capable helpful person.
2017-08-13 12:48 am
It is something to be proud of, you were paid for a job well done, earned your own money.
2017-08-13 4:17 am
Self-worth and the ability to see the difference that your hard work made.
2017-08-13 1:36 am
That's cool, good on you!

And enjoy today

Very best wishes


Source:) study & personal view point.
2017-08-13 12:47 am
because you work hard to earn it

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