How to get rid of bad manager?

2017-08-12 5:28 pm
The person who works with me and joined some months after I joined the company became my manager. His education and experience is far less than me. He has great skills to make friendship with anyone. He used this skill to make friendship with top management and became manager. Our management is big fool. They don't realize who is doing what in the department. Because I am more skillful than him, he doesn't like me. He does all sort of things against me - stop my promotion, salary increments etc. Most of the time I am thinking about this. 
This person is so confident now that he thinks that no one can do anything against him, he started dealing illegally with vendors. Making commission with every deal. Again our management is so fool they are not realizing his actions. These days making commission is fool proof. The vendors have mutual deal with the person. What can be done with this kind of person. How to realize the management that this person is not what he presents to be.

回答 (3)

2017-08-12 10:52 pm
Might as well move on if they are all so crooked then you will be fired soon anyway.

You are now a belligerent useless employee if all you think about is him and make a mountain out of a molehill at every thing he does just because of you anger at having been passed over.
2017-08-12 9:55 pm
You say your boss is a crook and the management are all fools. So my question to you is why do you want to work there? Why don't you find another job and move on. Anyone with your attitude toward management is going to be a problem employee. Time for you to move on.
2017-08-12 5:45 pm
He cannot fool all the people all the time.A time will come where his fraudulent dealings will get exposed which will compel the management to fire him.Let natural justice to take place.

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