Am I doing the right thing?

2017-08-11 9:35 pm
I am a college student at a university and I'm finding a job for my work study financial aid. I applied for a few jobs, especially in the computer industry since that's my major. I got an interview for one place, but it's 15 min away. He basically hired me on the spot. I was super excited. He said he was going on vacation and so I don't start till the 16th of August. I made an HR appointment for Monday the 14th (just keep that in mind). A day later, after accepting the job, I got another request for an interview. However, this job is basically the same as the one I just got, pays 50 cents more, and it's literally across the street from my apartment. I emailed the guy telling him my situation and just emailed back saying I want an interview. I feel like I'm being a horrible person, but it's student employment and I also need to do what is best for me. I also don't know how to tell the guy if I get this other job since he is on vacation. Am I doing the right thing?? Or am I being a horrible person (like I feel like I am)?

回答 (8)

2017-08-11 9:40 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Well, if the other job is very close to where you live... I don't see why you turn it down
The first employer will understand that you favored the other job because of the close destination. Not a horrible person in fact it sounds like everyday will just be like a short trip inside a mansion when going to work
This is just my view
2017-08-12 9:57 am
You're not a horrible person. You said it right, you're doing what's best for you and that's what you're supposed to do. Just do what you think is right as far as you're concerned. Don't worry about anyone else's feelings or situations. You're making a life for yourself so you have to make decisions for your future based on that fact. Either way, it's only up to you.
2017-08-12 1:25 am
Make sure you get the job that's across the street first; you might go into the interview and decide that something seems off about the environment or the culture, and decide to go with the other one.

15 mins away is nothing, and 50c isn't that much of a decrease from the other. It's worth it if you feel everything's going to be a good fit at this second job, but not if you feel it's going to be worse than the other one.
2017-08-12 12:36 am
obviously the other job is not critical since you would not even begin until the guy gets back from vacation
this new one is now, close and certainly to your advantage, get over feeling bad, leave a message for the other guy that he will eventually read his email and be done with it, it was not going to be a life long job in any way and he very likely will find another hot body quickly to fill it
2017-08-11 10:08 pm
You didn't start the first job so declining it is not a big deal. If the person you interveiwed with is out of town, you notify the HR department and the person by email. Thank him/her for the offer and just say you found another job which suits your situations better.
Just be sure you get the second job before saying anything to first job.
2017-08-11 11:48 pm
these things happen all the time in grown up life, go with the job across the street and stop looking backwards, be apologetic but firm and tell the first guy you cannot accept his offer because an opportunity presented itself, but be sure you have the second job wrapped up before turning down the first, otherwise you won't have any job at all
2017-08-11 10:47 pm
It's not personal, it's business.
2017-08-11 10:16 pm
o it'ss not wrong - go to the other interview. If you get the job, tell the other guy your situation has changed and you're no longer available.

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