I said something that could have hurt my boyfriend's feelings and I feel awful. How can I say sorry?

2017-08-11 7:36 pm
Yesterday my boyfriend was showing me a video and he compared it to his own version of that video and then he asked me who did it better and i accidentally said the other guy and i think he got a little bit upset. A few minutes he found me crying because i felt so bad. He said it was honestly okay but i told him that i thought deep down he was still hurt and i messed up. He said he forgave me and that I'm allowed to have my opinions but i still feels bad.

I was thinking about it all night. What can i do to forget about it? I know he forgives me and we agreed to pretend that never happened.

回答 (5)

2017-08-11 7:50 pm
you need to be desensitized
2017-08-11 9:34 pm
You ARE entitled to your own opinion. He knows it. How come you don't????
2017-08-11 8:52 pm
If he says he is ok with it, then he probably is, just relax, and don't think to much of it, you will just worry yourself sick. He would have told you if he was really offended, he would have let you know.
2017-08-11 7:59 pm
Giving false confidence or false hope can and will be worse off in the long run then simply telling the truth.
2017-08-11 7:48 pm
You didn't 'accidently' say anything, you told the truth- and it sounds like your bf appreciates that fact. As his girlfriend, it's your job to be supportive but this doesn't mean just telling him what you think he wants to hear just so you don't upset him.

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