What does it mean if the electric company tells me that the apartment I'll be moving moving into has a budget set at $100 per month?

2017-08-10 9:08 pm

回答 (8)

2017-08-10 9:40 pm
That means they are estimating that you will use $1200 worth of electricity in a year that you will pay in $100/month increments. The budget amount would be changed if your actual usage ends up being significantly more/less.

You might only use $50/month in September but you may use $150 worth in January....but you'll still pay $100/month as long as it all averages out to about $1200/year.
2017-08-11 2:57 am
It means the previous tenant's usage averaged $100 per month over the previous year or two, and if you wish to be billed on a budget, that's what your payments will be until YOUR usage shows that the monthly amount needs to be raised or lowered. You may opt to pay as you go, but if you do this, you must be good at budgeting your money. Depending on where you are, you may have very high bills in winter (heat in cold climate) or very high in summer (AC in hot climate).
2017-08-10 9:24 pm
They'll let you start out with payments of $100 a month toward your ibll, or actual usage. Electric bills usually vary a lot by season if you have air conditioning - paying the budget amount lets you even the bills out each month. They expect your bill to average about that much.
2017-08-11 3:01 pm
That would concern me. It sounds like the electric is included in your rent and once the electric hits the $100 mark in one month, they cut off use, except for necessities such as fridge and range, maybe the A/C. You might want to ask the landlord about it and find out what the month charge has been in the past.
參考: Certified Paralegal, with 25+ years' experience & with Landlord & Tenant law experience.
2017-08-11 6:10 am
it might be this is an apartment that has some low income benefit built into it and that this is budgeted at $100 meaning anything in excess of that falls outside the assistance that is provided in their plan
2017-08-11 3:54 am
Use more than $100 worth of electricity in a month and the lights go out.
2017-08-11 12:53 am
It means the people living there now are on a plan where they pay $100.00 a month. At the end of the year the electric company averages all the months & the renters either pay more or less depending on how much was used that year. So they would have paid $1200.00 at year end, if the total amount used was $1350.00 they would owe the electric company an additional $150.00. If the usage was only say $1100.00 the electric company would owe them $100.00.
2017-08-10 10:23 pm
It means utilities cost $100/mo.

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