how do you breed a dusk dragon in dragonvale?

2017-08-08 11:44 am
I do not own a dusk dragon but I've heard you can breed it. I do however have a sun and moon dragon. I also have a dawn dragon that I got from the prize area.

回答 (3)

2017-08-08 12:04 pm
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The Wiki says the combo is Sun + Moon. It isn't available to breed all the time, but it IS currently available to breed. If you get a 20 hour (without the upgrade) time, it will be either a Dawn or a Dusk.
2017-08-08 12:08 pm
Sun + Moon and between 7 pm and 7 am based on your device's clock.
2017-08-08 9:44 pm
have you tried breeding your sun and moon dragon together in a breeding cave or the epic breeding island?

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