About old dogs.?

2017-08-08 11:04 am
I have a chihuahua that I got since 2009 and obviously she's getting old, but what I'm worried about is that does that mean when they eat it makes it harder for them to chew? Because, I also have a mini-poodle and I feed them both at the same time. The poodle is fine but my Chihuahua isn't eating as much, so I was thinking of getting her some softer food for her to chew. Can someone give me some advice?

FYI I don't know if this would help, but she had a twin sister that died a few years back from an illness. I don't know what kind because she died overseas. My chihuahua's name is Sparkle.

回答 (6)

2017-08-08 2:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
GO SEE THE VET he can answer all your questions better than us
2017-08-08 3:25 pm
I think, regardless of age - and your dog isn't THAT old - I have two, one born in 2008 and the other in 2009 and for the most part, they are not old (even if one does have some structural problems not related to age) - what's going on is probably down to your dog needing a dental. Take her in as soon as you can, for your vet to examine, diagnose and treat. You may be best, for now, soaking her kibble but that must only be a temporary solution - feeding soft won't help if she has rotten teeth and gum disease.
2017-08-08 12:45 pm
8 years old is hardly old for a Chihuahua when they can live 12-20 years! Your poor dog probably has a bad tooth or teeth and maybe even gum disease. Get the poor thing to a VET!!!!
2017-08-08 11:08 am
Have you had her checked out by a vet? she may need some dental work done.
2017-08-09 2:17 am
Senior dogs should begin getting comprehensive geriatric wellness examinations, along with a dental exam every six months. Ask your vet when you take her in.

Not necessarily if you're providing proper dental hygiene, although genetically Chihuahua's are known to have poor teeth. Softer food will only cause further dental issues, such as periodontal disease/decay, even if you're providing proper dental hygiene.

There is no need to do any diet changes unless vet recommended and/or prescribed due specific medical reasons. Should a change be necessary it should be done gradually mixing old with new over a period of ten days to two weeks. Frequent/sudden diet changes may cause intestinal upset.

My dogs, although different breed, are a lot older than her, are provided with regular dental hygiene at home, along with regular dental/geriatric wellness exams, and have never needed a professional cleaning yet, vets are amazed how good their teeth are.

Genetics often determines how each individual dog ages, just as it does with people.
2017-08-08 4:27 pm
Try getting puppy food, it is made for delicate mouths, and should be great for your dog.

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