Marrying your in law?

2017-08-06 3:19 am
Jack and Amanda get married. Jack has a brother named Declan and Amanda has a half sister named Charlotte. Declan and Amanda fall in love and want to get married. is that legal?

回答 (13)

2017-08-06 3:22 am
Yes! It is even legal for two sets of twins to marry another set of twins.

Even if Deckan and Charlotte fell in love and got married first, Jack and Amanda could still fall in love and get married
2017-08-06 5:10 am
Do you mean Declan and Charlotte?

Yes, that's legal - they are no blood relation to one another.

My Grandma had a sister named Gertrude. My Grandpa had a sister named Louise. Gertrude's husband Chris had a brother named Richard. Richard married Louise.
2017-08-06 4:42 am
You can't actually be that dense can you?
2017-08-06 3:57 am
Why wouldn't it be?

And this doesn't describe a situation where someone is marrying an in-law. My sister's husband is my brother-in-law. His brother is not.
2017-08-06 6:41 am
In Laws are not blood relatives, so yes, it's legal.
2017-08-06 5:11 am
yeah totally
2017-08-08 12:19 am
If Jack and Amanda divorce, Declan can marry Amanda.
2017-08-07 2:59 pm
2017-08-07 8:15 am
As long as Jack and Amanda get a divorce, of course, it's legal. P.S. Love Revenge.
2017-08-06 6:15 pm
Of course it's legal. They're not related.
2017-08-06 9:42 am
Yup. Even though they're your "in-laws," they have no actual legal relationship to you.
2017-08-06 8:09 am
Yes, it's legal
2017-08-06 7:56 am
If course!

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