Why doesn't the moon around the sun?

2017-08-05 1:33 pm

回答 (15)

2017-08-05 2:00 pm
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en, maybe the moon love the earth.
2017-08-05 1:38 pm
Distance matters. The moon is only 240,000 miles from the Earth; it's 93,000,000 miles away from the sun.

At those distances, the Earth's gravity is a much stronger influence on the moon than the sun's gravity. So it orbits the Earth
2017-08-05 4:13 pm
It does, just not directly.
2017-08-06 2:03 am
The Moon does around the Sun!
(does what? I don't know. But I know the Moon orbits around the Sun).

F = G M m /d^2

This is the gravitational force between two bodies, one of mass M, the other of mass m, the distance between them is d.
G is just a constant to make the units work out, when you try to come out with numbers.

Calculate the force between Sun and Moon:

Fs = G Ms m / (ds)^2

Between Earth and Moon:

Fe = G Me m/ (de)^2

If the force due to Earth was greater than the force due to the Sun, you would expect the fraction Fe/Fs to be greater than 1.

Fe/Fs = [G Me m/ (de)^2] / [G Ms m / (ds)^2]
Me is mass of Earth,
Ms is mass of Sun = 332,946*Me
de is distance Earth Moon (centre to centre), approx. 384,400 km
ds is distance to the Sun (approx. 150,000,000 km)
G is a constant (it cancels out)

Let's clean up

Fe/Fs = G/G * Me/Ms * [(ds)/(de)]^2

The distances get flipped because they were in the denominators of each element before the overall division.
G/G = 1 (the G cancels out)
Me/Ms = 1/332946
[(ds)/(de)]^2 = (150million/384400)^2 = (390.22)^2 = 152,270.5

Fe/Fs = 384400/152270.5 = approx. 0.396

Earth pull on the Moon is smaller than the pull from the Sun.
By a factor of approximately 2.5

However, the Moon is too close to Earth to free itself from Earth's interference. It is "condemned" to stay close to us. Relative to Earth, it has insufficient energy to reach escape velocity from Earth.


A long time ago, someone tried to have the pair declared a "double planet" because of that, but the astronomers decided that the criteria would be the location of the "barycentre" (the common centre of gravity of both objects taken as a single system). If it is inside one of the bodies, then that body is the planet while the other is a satellite.
If it is outside any of the bodies, then it is a "double" whatever.

Pluto and Charon form a "double dwarf planet" because their barycentre is outside Pluto (and outside Charon).

For us, the barycentre is well inside Earth. Don't worry, it is only a mathematical location; it does not affect anything inside Earth.
2017-08-06 12:37 am
I think words left out you did.
2017-08-05 2:42 pm
Because it.
2017-08-05 2:07 pm
it is due to the gravity difference
2017-08-11 2:21 am
Why doesn't the moon around the sun? Aborted babies burn in hell for 33 and a half years; if pregnant, keep the kid and deliver at home because kids are chipped using ivs and vaccines in hospitals. Abortion leads to breast cancer; a demon is released from hell for each aborted kid. Dogs can become possessed; don't keep dogs inside you home [Pelageya of Ryazan]. Walmart has technology to administer mark of the beast to those who have cat bacteria in their stomachs; stay away from cats [Afanasiy Sidyachiy]. Next false flag is the Statue of Liberty. Earth is flat; stands on 3 pillars (the Most Holy Trinity); pillars stand on water at zero Kelvin. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good. Sleep fully clothed; pray the Jesus prayer. Pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov was the last prophet before Enoch and Elijah return to preach against the antichrist. Humans were created about 7525 years ago.

Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level; they will get out through sinkholes and lakes; to kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Demons grow human skin (from a sample taken during abduction) and put it on so as to look like us. Demons will invite people to be healed inside their UFOs; those who go will be like zombies after. Gov't provides demons with diamonds and allows demons to abduct people. If you're being abducted, slowly pray the Jesus prayer.

Don't panic. Demons use diamonds and souls to power their UFO craft. The bigger the diamond, the more it lasts. Demons have 4 UFO bases: 1)moon 2)inside fake mountain Kailash in Tibet 3)in lake Baikal in Russia 4)in Atlantis which is underneath the Mariana Trench in Pacific Ocean. There are no aliens. Nobody lives on other planets. Airplanes that go down are hit by demons because they need the airspace to fight Jesus. Antichrist is pale with red eyes. He's possessed by Satan since he's 12 years old. He flies. He wears gloves to hide long nails. He's surrounded by demons who appear as angels of light.

Don't go into a UFO to be healed by demons. Green 666 is given by isotope rays on wrist or forehead when people stretch hands to receive small plastic grey card with no name on it (World Passport). Police will microchip and isotope ray people on highways. Food stores will isotope ray people too. Antichrist will also release prisoners to mark people. Reject 666 at all cost because it leads to permanent hell. If you're about to be marked, pray the Jesus prayer. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you; burn documents because they're from Satan. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from temporary hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from temporary hell. Forgive me.
2017-08-10 2:31 pm
i think.the moon is only satellite of earth.
2017-08-06 9:00 pm
How old are you?
2017-08-06 10:57 am
I have a question for you.
Why don't you study the English language?
Your question does NOT make a bit of sense AT ALL !!!!!!!
2017-08-06 9:51 am
Why doesn't the moon do WHAT around the Sun?
2017-08-06 8:36 am
The moon is earth's moon. It is held by earth's gravity, not by the sun's gravity. No "moon" can orbit the sun, if it did, it would not be a moon. If something as large as the moon orbited the sun it would be a dwarf planet
2017-08-05 6:03 pm
Nothing can ever "around" anything else. "Around" is not that sort of word. I assume you mean "go around". Always check your typing before you send anything.
2017-08-05 2:21 pm
2017-08-05 2:09 pm
Cuz the moon doesn’t sun

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