Please help me with my guitar problem?

2017-08-05 1:14 am
OK so I purchased an electric guitar just 2 days ago. The fact is I am a beginner so I not that good and my sister was like play acoustic as that is what I originally played for 2 years and am awesome at it. If I Carr on with electric it would take me a while to become extremely good whereas at acoustic I am already brilliant. What should I do as I want to do something that I can become acoustic pro at not just hobby.

Sorry forget acoustic pro I meant a pro not acoustic autocorrect changed it

回答 (5)

2017-08-05 9:35 am
✔ 最佳答案
You might want to work on your humility.
2017-08-07 1:26 pm
Electric is DIFFERENT not EASIER.
2017-08-05 3:47 pm
You can play Classical on acoustic for paying gigs. Folk and Blues often have an acoustic guitar with a pickup.
2017-08-05 1:29 am
Practice, practice, practice. We aren't brilliant overnight.
2017-08-05 1:17 am
Most people find playing electric to be easier than acoustic. It depends on what you are trying to do I suppose.

If you want to be a pro, there is really only one way to do it: practice, practice, practice.

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