I'm doing a speech on being an atheist. Can I have some questions from a christians point of view, so I can put and answer them in my speech?

2017-08-03 6:42 pm

No, my speech is not only about me being an atheist. I'm just going to have a speech about the topic. I'm attending a catholic school and all my classmates are always curious about me.


I'm just in high school. My knowledgeare limited about the catholic world. Just give me questions you guys are curious about.



回答 (12)

2017-08-03 7:49 pm
why do you hate god
where do you get your morals from
if god didn't creat the universe who did
if humans came from monkeys why are there still monkeys

theres a few dumb christian questions
2017-08-03 6:52 pm
What sort of speech can you do about being an atheist? Once you have done "I do not believe in gods, therefore I am an atheist" there is absolutely nothing more to say because that is what an atheist is, someone who does not believe in gods. That is all you can say about atheists and all we have in common.

If you want to take on the Christians at their own game, read "Letter to a Christian Nation" by Sam Harris and "God is not Great" by Christopher Hitchens. You'll wipe the floor with them.
2017-08-03 7:26 pm
Er, by asking that question here you will mainly get things like "Hey, can you prove god doesn't exist, durrrrr", which are not very helpful. Or you will be asked about things totally unrelated to atheism, like cosmology, sexual politics and communism.
2017-08-03 9:57 pm
You can't determine your birth and death date or your future..So who controls that?

You cant prevent the natural disasters and loss of lives..why?

What is the point of your life, if you don't have an after life? Why do you do good things to others, when you believe there is no purpose for any life?

What if you die today and land up in Hell?

God is the creator of Heaven and Earth. He created every living creature and finally created Man in His own image. God gave man authority over all other creations. While every living creature served and lived the purpose for which God created them , man did not. Man disobeyed God and sinned.

Every human being is a sinner and deserves eternal punishment in Hell.

No one ever lived a perfect life nor will anyone be perfect in future, before God. Also, we inherit sin from Adam.

But, God wants everyone to enter heaven. However, He has to punish sin because He is a just God. That is why, Christ had to die on the cross and buy our pardon.

Salvation is a free Gift, available to everyone who believes in the Only True Living God(Father, Spirit, Son) and Christ's Sacrifice ALONE(Not Religion, Not Self-Righteousness, Not Mary, Not Saints, Not Sacraments etc.) for Salvation.

John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin [is] death; but the gift of God [is] eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

How to be sure of going to Heaven after death?

1) Believe in the One True God(Father, Spirit, Son) and that Christ came down to earth as a man, died on the cross and bought our pardon, and is risen on the third day. Accept Christ ALONE(not self-righteousness, not Mary, not Saints, not religion, not sacraments) as your personal savior.

2) You have a new heart and new desires. A truly Born-Again believer is a new creation and will have the natural desire to love God and hate sin. They will be extremely sorry when they sin.

Jesus is the ONLY Way to Heaven
2017-08-03 6:54 pm
What sort of questions would you like?
How about these:
- Can I have five bucks?
- What is the cure for cancer?
- How many atheists are devoutly religious people, and how do you know?

My point: WAY too wide open. Please narrow the field for us.
2017-08-03 6:57 pm
If there is a Creator/God, it is reasonable to assume that He created us for a purpose. Do atheists believe it is safe to ignore the possibility that they were created for a purpose?
2017-08-03 6:57 pm
If atheists claim to be more scientifically intelligent than us religious folk why do they continue to fail in learning how to see and interpret advanced scientific knowledge contained in the ancient Biblical scripture that makes up the first five Books of The Bible that could not have originated from the minds of man at that time? So then if no human mind on earth at that time possessed such advanced scientific knowledge than who's scientific mind did it originate from?
參考: The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution.
2017-08-04 12:16 am
May I write your speech for you? "I don't belive that Gods exist, and all religious books are fairytales". That's all you need to say.
2017-08-03 7:50 pm
First, define atheism. The traditional meaning of the word is "There is no deity." In recent years atheism has also been defined as simply "lack of belief in a deity." For what it's worth, I think the older definition is the better one.
Are logic and science the only means of gaining knowledge?
2017-08-03 7:38 pm
Why are all humans searching for purpose and happiness?
2017-08-03 9:53 pm
Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden for gaining intelligence. That is what we do and that is what fundies hate about us so much. We think and have intelligence, two unforgivable sins.
2017-08-03 9:47 pm
Why would anyone purposely do wrong?
2017-08-03 7:36 pm
Better add in your speech that you see the order in nature and reject a Law Giver.

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