Who is the best/worst cook in your family?

2017-08-02 1:52 pm

回答 (15)

2017-08-02 9:24 pm
Luckily, my five siblings and myself are all great cooks. When we get together and everyone shares in preparing food for a meal, we have the best taste fest ever!!! All self taught.

My brother was a fabulous chef who created magic for the taste buds with the dishes he made. He was not Johnson and Whales educated, but he was a self taught chef that wanted a job in an upscale restaurant that was looking for a chef. He told them he would work for a week for free if they gave him a chance to work there and be in charge of the chef specials. He was hired full time in three days. So, I would say he is the best chef in our family.

Our whole family has been blessed with the "great cook" gene. Even our parents.
2017-08-03 5:42 am
Best - My moms cousin
Worst - my moms Aunty (not to mention - I buy food from the outside before I see her)
2017-08-03 5:26 am
The worst is gotta be my Mom, the best is me as I went to culinary school due to her being the worst.
2017-08-02 11:24 pm
My family would starve if I vanished - I am the old dad and grandad. My wife is retired and I just taught her how to properly hard-cook eggs.
2017-08-02 6:33 pm
Me. Why do you want to know?
2017-08-07 7:31 am
Heh...on reflection there is no worst cook in the family. Which may account for why we tend to be on the portly side. My wife's pies (key lime and raspberry) are to die for.
2017-08-05 2:53 am
That would depend on what is being cooked. I am the best overall cook, but my 25 year old daughter is a great baker - breads, pies, cakes, cookies - she makes them all and from scratch. My 20 year old daughter is the best at making cheap, quickand delicious meals - she cooks for her college roommates every night, where they need to eat but don't have a lot of time or money. And my husband (their father) is great at barbeque and brewing.
2017-08-04 4:51 am
Wives Mother . My Mother in Law. I see that woman coming I greet her at the door with a pot & pan in hand a big smile on my face. Know I will eat good if she is there. Wife is a good cook I am told but her food is shat as to what her Mom cooks.
2017-08-03 5:11 am
2017-08-02 9:32 pm
my siblings, kids and grand kids all cook pretty darn good.
It sort of runs in the family.
Even extended family is pretty good in the kitchen..One of my nieces is a graduate of a Culinary arts school and has been executive chef at various restaurants until she became a mom.
My sister, myself, 2 son-in-laws, all 4 of my kids and 3 of my grand kids all either cook or have cooked professionally. 2 of the grand kids took extra credit cooking classes in high school and excelled at them.
the worst cooks in my family are my late mother in law(god bless her)..heart of gold, loving, sweet, sucked in the kitchen..and my sister in law..also a real nice person, heart of gold, sucks at cooking.
2017-08-02 4:51 pm
Me and me, because I am the only one who cooks, as there is just me and my husband and he goes out and earns the money.
2017-08-02 4:09 pm
Best is my mother.
2017-08-02 3:03 pm
I am the best cooker because no one else is cooking
2017-08-02 2:17 pm
Thought it said c o c k for a second lol. Well my dad he's Italian does amazing spaghetti carbonara and other Italian dishes
2017-08-02 2:01 pm

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