急需翻譯英文, 感激萬分 有关2017年8月7日早上9时前结账离场通知:   为配合订于2017年8月7日上午进行消防检查,请贵客在当天(8月7日)早上9时前结账离场。 不便之处,敬请见谅!?

2017-08-01 11:41 pm

回答 (1)

2017-08-01 11:52 pm
RE: Fire Safety Inspection on August 7, 2017 9:00AM requires the evacuation of the building.

通知: 为配合订于2017年8月7日上午进行消防检查,请贵客在当天(8月7日)早上9时前结账离场。 不便之处,敬请见谅
Notice: A mandatory fire safety inspection at August 7, 2017 9:00AM requires a complete evacuation of the entire building. All guests are requested to check out and evacuate the building by that time. We apologize in advance for your inconveniences and ask for your full cooperation.

Princess Prisoner, General Manager
Aug 1, 2017

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